Self-Efficacy in Game ON
Game ON is a children’s book created to encourage resilience in our young ones.
Learn about self-efficacy in Game ON below
Game ON provides children with an opportunity to observe a common scenario unfold, which is fuelled with challenging situations. By watching Alex make mistakes and isolate his friends, the children have the opportunity to witness what can happen when you make a choice or act out of anger. Alex frequently blames his friends for his emotional reactions and his own mistakes or poor choices. If children are led to believe that external factors are to blame for their failings or achievements, they risk having low self-efficacy and low self-esteem, consequently maintaining very little ability to take control of managing the outcomes. Children with low self-efficacy and low self-confidence feel disempowered to change the situation. Providing this role-playing opportunity enables children to learn through the trial and error in a simulated environment.
Game ON was designed to empower children to take responsibility for their actions, with the notion of autonomously being able to change the outcome. Whilst Alex demonstrates low resilience attributes, children are also invited to view possible solutions to the situation through Dusty. Children can be promoted to think of a time when they too may have been in trouble when acting out of anger, making a poor choice or blaming others. Through this process, they are provided with the opportunity to view potential solutions available to them, which may inform a more-desirable outcome in future if they feel angry or upset. When children can use cognition as part of a solution-focused approach to problem solving and decision making, they are exhibiting positive signs of self-efficacy and self-mastery. They also maintain the ability to build self-confidence in managing difficult tasks and working with unknown information through uncertainty.